Journey to Success: Rank 7 – Dr. Devashree – NEET SS 2023 – Surgical Group

Dr. Devashree, who has achieved an incredible milestone by securing All India Rank 7 in the NEET SS 2023 Surgical Group.

A Surreal Feeling of Achievement

Dr. Devashree shares, “It’s a surreal feeling. When you prepare for this exam, most of the time you start by watching interviews of those who have excelled in it. Now, to be on the other side, giving an interview myself—it feels fantastic. I feel truly blessed and happy.”

This achievement is a testament to your hard work and dedication. So, let’s dive into your journey—when did you start your preparation, and how did you go about it?

The Beginning: Systematic Planning

Dr. Devashree began her preparation in February, the same year she decided to pursue an MCH in Urology. “I spoke to a lot of people about strategies for cracking this exam, but what I realized is that there’s no single way to do it. What matters most is consistency and hard work,” she explains.

Her systematic approach started with a solid plan. Initially, she anticipated that the exam might be held in August. So, she created a detailed timetable: her first reading would be completed over a few months, followed by a second reading in two months, and then a third reading in one and a half months.

Choosing the Right Study Materials

When it came to selecting study materials, she noted, “Some people prefer preparing their own notes, some watch video lectures, while others stick to textbooks. For me, being a textbook reader and fast at it, I decided to stick to that approach.”

However, textbooks alone weren’t enough. Dr. Devashree understood the importance of supplementing her reading with mock tests and MCQ banks. “The way the MCQ bank in LGS is organized into modules covering all of general surgery and its subspecialties helped me approach my studies in a systematic manner,” she mentions.

The Role of Mock Tests in Preparation

Mock tests played a crucial role in her preparation, particularly the Decathlon series. “It humbled me because I didn’t do very well initially, but it made me realize how much I had read but not retained. That’s when I learned the importance of revision. You can’t just revise once or twice—you need to do it over and over again.”

Dr. Devashree also shared a valuable lesson about patience. “I used to think that after two weeks of studying, my rank would improve significantly, but that didn’t happen. It takes time—months, not weeks—to see real progress.” This realization helped her stay focused and motivated, knowing that improvement would come gradually.

The Mental Battle: Staying Calm Amidst Pressure

One of the biggest challenges of preparing for NEET SS, according to Dr. Devashree, is the mental battle. “While the syllabus is smaller compared to NEET UG or PG, the mental struggle is far greater. We’re no longer children without responsibilities; we have personal commitments, careers, and finances to consider.”

To manage the stress, she found solace in meditation, studying in a calm state of mind, and taking short breaks to refresh herself. “For me, meditating for 15-20 minutes a day helped immensely. For others, it might be playing a sport or listening to music, but finding a way to maintain mental peace is critical, especially in the last one and a half months before the exam.”

Dr. Devashree also highlighted how the supportive environment on platforms like LGS made a difference. “The short snippets and blogs addressing common struggles, like sleep deprivation or silly mistakes, helped me feel less alone. Knowing that others were facing the same challenges made the journey easier.”

Importance of Having a Clear Plan

In February, when she started preparing, Dr. Devashree made a conscious decision to dedicate her time entirely to her studies, leaving work aside. “I passed my MS in 2021 and initially didn’t even attempt NEET SS. I was convinced that the world needed good general surgeons, and I wanted to be one of them. But during my SR shift, I realized that general surgery meant being a jack of all trades and a master of none. I wanted to specialize, and that’s when I decided to pursue MCH.”

She emphasized the importance of having clarity in your preparation path. “It’s crucial to decide early on whether you want to work while studying or dedicate yourself solely to preparation. Trying to balance both without a clear plan can be counterproductive, especially with the intense workload that comes with being a surgeon.”

A Message for Future Aspirants

Dr. Devashree’s advice for future NEET SS aspirants is simple yet profound. “First, make a detailed schedule. You need to know how much you are supposed to do and be okay with falling short sometimes. At least this way, you know exactly where you stand and how much more you need to cover.”

She also addressed the common misconception that achieving a top rank is unattainable. “If you’re smart enough to complete your MBBS, MS, or DNB, then you are more than capable of achieving a top 10 rank. It all comes down to hard work, discipline, and perseverance.”

Stay tuned for the next part of Dr. Devashree’s inspiring journey, where she will delve into more strategies for success and offer tips for juniors preparing for NEET SS.

The Importance of Focus and Sacrifice

As Dr. Devashree continued her insights, she emphasized the significance of focus and self-confidence throughout the preparation journey. “You must be as focused as a horse with blinders. Keep your eyes on your goal, and no matter what, work towards it,” she advised. While you may not always achieve the exact rank you aimed for, she explained that focus and dedication will lead to ranks good enough to secure your dream branch and college.

One of the biggest pitfalls, she said, is self-doubt, which should be dismissed as early as possible. “Self-doubt messes with your entire preparation. NEET SS is not like NEET UG or PG. It’s a different exam, and if you work hard and stay focused, you can reach your goal.”

Another key point was understanding the sacrifices needed to achieve such a significant goal. She explained, “Sacrificing a few months of free time is a small price to pay for securing a good rank and a bright future. If you approach it with an all-or-nothing attitude, the effort will be worth it.”

How Sushruta LGS Helped in Her Journey

When asked about how she came across the Sushruta LGS platform, Dr. Devashree explained that a friend was using it. “When someone else is using something, you want to check it out. I thought, if it’s great, I don’t want to miss out on it,” she shared.

Once she began using the platform, she was impressed by its structure. “I started with the Decathlon series, and quickly realized that the questions were tougher than I expected, which humbled me. It made me realize there was much more to learn than I initially thought.”

Dr. Devashree appreciated the systematic approach of the platform. “The app’s 11 modules, MCQ banks, and grand tests are organized in a way that helped me revise multiple times. I used the app to solve MCQs after each chapter, then revisited them after two to three weeks. This approach helped me retain information, especially facts and figures, which are usually the hardest to remember.”

She also praised the comprehensive coverage of important textbooks like Bailey & Love. “The platform covered the new edition of Bailey in detail, and the questions were designed to make you think critically. Even if I got a question wrong, it stuck in my memory, and I remembered it better the next time,” she explained.

The Role of Mock Tests and Conceptual Learning

Dr. Devashree highlighted how mock tests like the Decathlon series were crucial to her preparation. “The mock tests pushed me to study and revise more. They made me realize that just reading isn’t enough—you also have to apply your knowledge to MCQs.”

She pointed out that some students might expect MCQs to be easier or more straightforward, but that wasn’t the case. “The questions weren’t just line-by-line pickups from textbooks; they required a deeper understanding of the concepts. That’s why I believe mock tests are essential—they show you where your weaknesses lie and push you to go back and improve.”

Feedback and Areas for Improvement

As for the Decathlon test series and MCQs, she believed they were challenging, but in a good way. “There’s no need to make the questions easier. Tough questions prevent complacency and ensure that you keep working harder.”

She also reflected on the nature of the NEET SS exam itself. “The NEET SS exam was tougher than expected, even more difficult than the mock tests. It wasn’t just about algorithms and tables—they asked concept-based and clinical questions. So, simply solving MCQs isn’t enough. You need to develop a solid understanding of the concepts.”

Balancing Textbooks and MCQs

Dr. Devashree stressed that students should not rely solely on solving MCQs. “NEET SS isn’t like NEET UG or PG, where solving past questions is enough. For NEET SS, you need a strong foundation in the textbooks and a clear conceptual understanding, combined with MCQ practice.”

She reiterated that students need to focus on three key areas: base material (whether it’s textbooks, notes, or class lectures), consistent MCQ practice, and regular self-evaluation. “You need to see if you’re progressing. Are you remembering what you’ve learned? Are you improving your scores?”

Deciding on a Specialty: The Path to Urology

One of the most significant decisions for any medical professional is choosing their subspecialty. For Dr. Devashree, urology was a clear choice. “I loved reading about the subject, especially from Campbell’s Urology. What I find most appealing is the control you have over the entire system—you can perform endo-urology, laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery—it’s all within your realm. The surgeries are also very gratifying, with less morbidity, and the patients recover quickly, making everyone happy.”

Dr. Devashree’s clarity of purpose in choosing urology serves as a valuable lesson for students who may be confused about their own career paths. She emphasized the importance of being clear about what you want to do. “If you’re unsure about your passion, first rule out what you definitely don’t want to do. Then, you can focus on the areas you’re more inclined towards,” she advised.

Final Thoughts on Subspecialty Selection

Dr. Devashree acknowledged that choosing a subspecialty can be challenging, especially when you enjoy multiple areas of surgery. “Most general surgeons like multiple specialties, so it can be hard to choose. But if you’re undecided, start by ruling out what you don’t enjoy, and from there, narrow down your options. It’s okay to be confused, but eventually, you’ll find what resonates with you.”

Final Reflections: Choosing the Right Subspecialty and the Power of Seeking Advice

As Dr. Devashree moved toward the final part of her journey, she offered invaluable advice on choosing a subspecialty. She emphasized the importance of keeping an open mind and actively seeking advice from people at different stages of their careers. “The more you talk to people—whether it’s a first-year junior resident, a third-year resident, or a well-established consultant—the more you will understand the life that a particular subspecialty offers,” she shared.

Dr. Devashree highlighted that each branch has its own unique personality type and lifestyle demands. By talking to people across the spectrum, you get a fuller picture of what sacrifices a subspecialty might require in terms of family life and work-life balance. This, she explained, is essential for making a well-informed decision.

Avoid Rushing into Decisions

One of Dr. Devashree’s most important pieces of advice was to avoid taking a seat in a branch simply because your rank allows it. “The worst thing you can do is take a branch just because your rank permits it. It’s better to repeat and wait for the right opportunity than to take a seat in a field you don’t feel passionate about,” she warned.

She stressed that choosing a subspecialty is a decision that should be made thoughtfully, with a clear understanding of your personal interests and long-term goals. “We are already qualified as MS surgeons—this is the icing on the cake. It’s a decision that should not be rushed or made just for the sake of securing a degree.”

The Importance of Passion

Dr. Devashree’s clarity in choosing urology as her subspecialty was evident throughout her journey. She emphasized the importance of finding your passion and making your decision based on what excites you as a surgeon. “I had a calling for urology, just as others may have a calling for gastroenterology or another specialty. It’s crucial to make a decision based on what you truly enjoy and not just settle for a seat,” she said.

Her advice for those who are confused about their choices was simple: talk to people, explore all avenues, and don’t rush into a decision. If you’re unsure, it’s better to take the time to figure it out than to commit to something you might regret later on.

A Journey of Pride and Gratitude

As the conversation drew to a close, it was clear how much pride Dr. Devashree’s journey had brought to not just herself, but also her mentors, family, and friends. “I feel so proud of my students who have achieved such high ranks,” her mentor shared. “It’s like the pride a parent feels, and I’m sure your parents feel the same.”

Dr. Devashree was equally grateful for her support system, acknowledging the role that her family and friends played in her success. She humbly thanked everyone who had been part of her journey, recognizing that success is not achieved alone but with the help of those who support and encourage you along the way.

Moving Forward: A Bright Future in Urology

When asked about her future plans, Dr. Devashree shared that she was planning to take admission at the Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Center (IKDRC), a prestigious institution known for its expertise in urology. With a bright future ahead in the field she is passionate about, Dr. Devashree is ready to take on the next chapter of her medical career.

Conclusion: A Journey of Dedication and Focus

Dr. Devashree’s journey to securing All India Rank 7 in NEET SS 2023 is a powerful testament to the importance of dedication, focus, and passion. Her insights into preparation strategies, choosing the right subspecialty, and the mental resilience required to succeed offer valuable lessons for aspiring surgeons.

Her success is not only the result of hard work and consistent effort but also the support of her mentors, family, and friends. As she steps into the world of superspecialization in urology, her story will undoubtedly inspire countless others to pursue their dreams with the same determination and clarity of purpose.

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