Journey to Success: Rank 16 – Dr. Ashwin – NEET SS 2023 – Surgical Group

Introduction: Achieving Rank 16 in NEET SS 2023

It’s a pleasure to introduce Dr. Ashwin, who has achieved an outstanding All India Rank 16 in the NEET SS 2023 surgical group. Dr. Ashwin’s journey to this incredible achievement is filled with perseverance, strategic planning, and hard work. Let’s dive into his experience and how he balanced personal responsibilities, work, and studies to reach this milestone.

The Elation of Success

Dr. Ashwin humbly shared how this success is a new feeling for him. “I feel a bit elated. This is my first big success. When I tell my rank to someone, they ask twice to confirm. After that, they believe it and congratulate me. It feels good but surreal.”

This achievement is a result of his dedication and persistence, but his journey was not without its challenges.

The Beginning of His Journey: Overcoming Setbacks

Dr. Ashwin explained that this was technically his second attempt. “I attempted last year, but I couldn’t give my 100% due to family and personal work commitments. I didn’t get into the flow and ended up with a rank of 516.” After deciding to take a small break, he returned with renewed determination to give it another shot.

In his preparation for this year’s NEET SS, Dr. Ashwin initially started by attending offline classes. However, he soon realized the need for something more structured and specific. “I came across Sushruta LGS platform, and the phrase ‘no-nonsense questions’ caught my attention. I had seen other platforms with questions that felt like they belonged in NEET PG, but this one aligned with my ideology.”

The Strategy: Focused, Structured Preparation

Dr. Ashwin’s preparation strategy was meticulous and disciplined. “I started with a strict four-month plan. My main strategy was to take a grand test every Sunday, split the 150 questions into 30 per day, and review them in my book. This way, I reinforced the high-yield topics repeatedly.”

The structured approach of the Decathlon test series played a crucial role in his preparation. “The way the test series covered specific topics—biliary system in one test, then another section in the next—ensured that I revisited high-yield areas multiple times. I was consistently reviewing the important points, which gave me an edge.”

Dr. Ashwin emphasized that this repetition, combined with the targeted high-yield areas, was critical to his success. He even mentioned how the series offered more than promised, providing additional grand tests that further solidified his understanding of essential topics.

Utilizing Memory Techniques and Breaking Monotony

Dr. Ashwin adopted creative methods to enhance his learning. “Last year, I kept reading Bailey and Sabiston, but a friend suggested I focus more on questions. I started turning my study into questions—bookmarking important ones and revisiting them regularly.”

He found that alternating between reading textbooks and solving questions helped break the monotony of studying. “If I had only read Bailey and Sabiston five times, it wouldn’t have been as effective. Revisiting questions kept things fresh and helped me remember better.”

Dr. Ashwin also benefited from the personal approach of the platform’s blogs. “When the exams were postponed, the blogs helped me manage stress and stay on track. It was like someone personally guiding me through the ups and downs.”

Balancing Work, Family, and Studies: A Key Challenge

One of the most inspiring aspects of Dr. Ashwin’s journey was his ability to balance multiple responsibilities. “I have a three-year-old daughter, and I was working at a medical college. Time management was crucial,” he explained. His strategy involved waking up early, sometimes at 4 or 5 AM, to complete his study sessions before the day began. “I’d take breaks during rounds at work and then come back to study later.”

Dr. Ashwin emphasized the importance of flexibility. “I created three different study plans: Plan A for days when I had more time, Plan B for moderate days, and Plan C for days with emergency cases when I had less time to study. This helped me adapt to whatever the day threw at me without feeling overwhelmed.”

Despite these challenges, Dr. Ashwin never lost confidence. “Last time, I ranked 516, and I knew I had to do something unique this time. I had to be confident and visualize success, but without becoming overconfident.”

Developing Exam Reflexes: A Winning Strategy

One of Dr. Ashwin’s key strategies was building quick reflexes for answering questions. “I aimed to be able to answer most questions within five seconds. This saved time for the more challenging questions. I focused on developing a reflexive response to common topics, which proved to be highly effective during the exam.”

The repetition of solving questions through grand tests and weekday quizzes gave him the speed and accuracy needed to excel. “When I saw a question, I could predict what was coming next. This was thanks to the rigorous practice I got from the platform.”

Managing Multiple Roles: Advice for Aspirants

For future NEET SS aspirants, especially those balancing work and family, Dr. Ashwin had valuable advice. “First, don’t stick to a rigid plan. Be adaptable. If you have work commitments or family emergencies, you need to adjust your study schedule accordingly.” He also emphasized the importance of staying motivated and not getting discouraged by unexpected challenges.

“You have to be prepared for any situation,” he explained. “Don’t push yourself too hard or set unrealistic expectations. If you overburden yourself, it can lead to burnout.”

Visualization and Positive Mindset: The Power of Mental Preparation

Dr. Ashwin’s preparation wasn’t just about studying; it was also about mindset. “I always visualized myself achieving this rank and becoming a surgical oncologist. I didn’t wait for others to decide my fate. I thought, ‘What if I were already a surgical oncologist? Would I push myself two more hours into a surgery?’ That thought process helped me push through my study sessions as well.”

This technique of visualizing success is a key takeaway for aspirants. “Visualizing my goals, as Arnold Schwarzenegger says, made me behave like I was already where I wanted to be. That pushed me to go the extra mile during my preparation.”

Building a Strong Foundation: The Role of Core Textbooks

For Dr. Ashwin, textbooks like Bailey & Love and Sabiston played a crucial role in his preparation. He explained how he approached these comprehensive texts. “Bailey & Love forms the base, and Sabiston builds on that foundation. Beyond these, clinical acumen is essential.”

While he admitted that mastering Sabiston can be daunting, Dr. Ashwin shared two strategies that helped him. “I attended Rajamouli Sir’s offline classes, which covered Sabiston in six days. This was a game-changer because it forced me to sit down and focus on the most important areas, with clear direction.”

The second trick was integrating Bailey & Love into his routine. “If I read Bailey’s section on liver on Monday, I would revise it by the end of the week. This double reinforcement helped me solidify my understanding. By revisiting Bailey before diving into Sabiston, I could move faster and retain more.”

The Importance of Smart Revision

Dr. Ashwin emphasized that no matter how much you read, if you don’t revise, it won’t help you in the exam. “Revision is the hardest part of preparation. It’s easy to say, but sitting down to go over the material again and again is painful. However, it’s the sweet pain that pays off when you see your rank.”

To make revision more effective, Dr. Ashwin used a question-based format. “Revisiting the questions I had bookmarked kept the process fresh and less monotonous. It’s important to read smartly—whether you’re reading notes, textbooks, or MCQs, it’s about efficient revision.”

Smart Reading and Multiple Approaches

Dr. Ashwin’s approach to reading involved using multiple methods to reinforce learning. “I’m old-school and prefer reading from books, but I found that approaching the material in different ways helps. For example, starting with the 20th edition updates in Bailey & Love gave me a broad overview. Then, reading the chapters in depth allowed me to fill in the gaps.”

He stressed that aspirants shouldn’t approach revision with the mindset of reading from cover to cover. “You need to be smart about how you tackle a topic. Bite it off in chunks rather than starting at the first page and finishing at the last.”

Feedback on the Sushruta LGS Platform

Dr. Ashwin expressed immense appreciation for the Sushruta LGS platform. “I used multiple features—everything from the app, the laptop version, to the Decathlon test series. Each grand test gave me detailed feedback on my weak and strong areas, which I could download as a PDF and access anytime.”

He was particularly impressed by how comprehensive the platform was. “I felt like I got much more than I paid for. The tests were well-organized, and the questions were relevant. Even simple one-liners, like the MRI contrast used for lymphedema, came up in the actual exam. Without those practice questions, I wouldn’t have recalled them as quickly.”

Handling Stress and Staying Calm on Exam Day

Dr. Ashwin emphasized that exam day strategy plays a huge role in success. “I finished my revision 24 hours before the exam and kept my mind free. I knew they would play mind games with close options and tricky wording, so I had to be mentally fresh.”

He advised aspirants to avoid last-minute studying at the exam center. “Most people make the mistake of cramming right until the last minute. Instead, I prepared myself mentally for the long, detailed questions. You have to be ready for anything, including delayed exams or tricky scenarios.”

Key Takeaways: Dr. Ashwin’s Advice for Aspirants

As Dr. Ashwin shared his journey, he left several key takeaways for future aspirants:

  1. Prepare for the Exam: Focus on the exam itself and understand its nature. Preparation is not just about covering material but also about knowing how to apply it.
  2. Don’t Overburden Yourself: Plan smartly, create flexible study schedules, and don’t push yourself too hard. Understand your limits and adjust accordingly.
  3. Stay Mentally Fresh: Mental preparation is as important as academic preparation. Keep your mind calm and focus on approaching the exam with confidence.
  4. Smart Revision is Key: Revision is the backbone of success. Approach it in a smart, structured way, and ensure that you’re consistently reinforcing what you’ve learned.

Conclusion: Achieving Balance and Success

Dr. Ashwin’s journey to Rank 16 in NEET SS 2023 is a powerful example of the balance between hard work, smart strategies, and a positive mindset. His ability to manage work, family, and studies, along with his tactical approach to revision and exam strategy, is inspiring for all future aspirants.

As he moves forward in his career, Dr. Ashwin’s story serves as a reminder that success is not just about studying harder but also about studying smarter, staying positive, and visualizing your goals.

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