Finding the Right Balance: Attempting, Skipping, and Revising Q

Finding the Right Balance: Attempting, Skipping, and Revisinf Q

10 September 2023 | Daily Tips for NEET SS, Preparation Strategies

By: Dr. Ruchir Bhavsar

As you prepare for your NEET SS exam, one of the crucial aspects to consider is how to manage your time and attempt effectively during the test. In a paper consisting of 150 questions, it’s vital to strike a balance between attempting questions, strategically skipping some, and ensuring you have time to review your responses. Let’s dive into some strategies to help you master this delicate balancing act.

The Dilemma of Question Attempt:

The NEET SS exam presents a challenging dilemma: how many questions should you attempt? With a total of 150 questions and a limited time frame, it’s essential to have a well-thought-out approach.

  1. Prioritize Your Strengths:

Begin the exam by tackling the questions from topics you’re most confident in. This strategy helps you accumulate marks quickly and boosts your confidence for the rest of the test.

  1. Don’t Get Stuck:

If you encounter a particularly tricky question, don’t dwell on it for too long. Mark it for review and move on. Remember, time management is critical.

  1. Allocate Time Wisely:

Divide your available time among the questions according to your proficiency. Ensure you have time left for revisiting marked questions. 

My formula was : 

150 Q – 150 Minutes

1 Q = 1 Minute

1 Q = 45 seconds – Attempt & 15 second – Revision 

Hence – around 2 hours for attempt – 30 mins for Revision ( Roughly )

Strategic Skipping:

Strategic skipping involves not attempting certain questions initially, with the intent to return to them later. This strategy can be advantageous for several reasons:

  1. Time Management:

Skipping challenging questions initially ensures you have sufficient time to address easier ones, boosting your confidence and potentially accumulating marks swiftly.

  1. Mental Clarity:

Avoiding difficult questions initially can help reduce stress and anxiety. Returning to them with a fresh perspective can often lead to better solutions.

  1. Maximize Your Score:

By focusing on the questions you are more likely to answer correctly initially, you can secure a good number of marks early in the exam.

Revising with Precision:

The revision phase is crucial to your NEET SS success. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Use Your Marked Questions:

Start your revision with questions you’ve marked for review. Carefully reconsider your answers, and if you’re unsure, make an educated guess. Sometimes, your initial intuition is more accurate than you think.

  1. Time Management:

Allocate a specific portion of your remaining time for revision. Stick to it, ensuring you review as many questions as possible without rushing.

  1. Beware of Overcorrection:

While revising, be cautious about changing answers arbitrarily. Only alter your response if you have a compelling reason to believe your initial choice was incorrect. So if you have revised once – then dont go on re – revising – instead i believe sleep – Sleeping and avoiding yourself changing responses is better than changing responses to incorrect answers and losing marks.

  1. Stay Calm:

During revision, maintain a calm and composed mindset. Don’t let anxiety or time pressure cloud your judgment.

In Conclusion:

Mastering the art of question attempt, strategic skipping, and effective revision is pivotal in achieving success in your NEET SS exam. Develop a personalized strategy during your practice exams, and refine it over time to maximize your performance on the actual test day.

Remember, every question you attempt should contribute positively to your score, so choose wisely, and stay focused on your goal. Good luck!


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